
Hong Kong Professional Mediation Association (HKPMA) is a Hong Kong-based mediation body. With the support of a number of Hong Kong businesses, law firms and CPA firms to encourage the development and use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and mediation in commercial disputes.  Members of HKPMA come from all walks of lives, including, investment bankers, trading & commercial experts, engineers, legal professionals, accountants, middle management classes, insurance practitioners, education experts, etc…

Mediation is a process by which opposing parties come to a resolution of their differences with the help of an impartial third party, the mediator. HKPMA provides Professional Mediators to facilitate communication between parties, to empower individuals to reach mutually acceptable agreements and increase individual’s self-capacity to manage conflict constructively. More importantly, HKPMA’s mediators assist respective parties to control the outcome of the process.
The aims and objectives of HKPMA are to:
  • Accept requests on mediation of, includes but not limited to, contract, shareholders, investment, trading, banking, securities, insurance, shipping & logistics, properties, construction, intellectual properties, education, personal injuries and probate disputes, etc…;
  •  Accept requests on mediation appointed by the Government, the Mainland & overseas organizations on commercial disputes;
  • Assist and support mediators in the process of mediation and to promote intellectual exchange among mediators;
  • Promote mediation and ADR to resolve disputes in the community;
  • Train and assist individual to become accredited and professional mediator.

最近更新日期: 2010-12-03
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