Membership of Hong Kong Professional Mediation Association (HKPMA)

Membership of Hong Kong Professional Mediation Association (HKPMA) 

Becoming a member:

The grade of membership to the HKPMA is dependent on your knowledge and experience to the requirement of each grade. You could file an application for membership by providing as much information as possible related to your application. HKPMA shall inform you the most appropriate grade to apply for. We will also inform you the best path you need to take to pursuit next grade.

There is an application fee and all applicants must complete and submit an application form and appropriate fees. To obtain an application form, you could email to:

CPD Program: 

It is desirable that all Grades of members of HKPMA be upheld of the high quality of mediation skills.  A CPD Program for HKPMA members is considered to be an important element.  The CPD requirement of different Grades of Membership is recorded in the “CPD Program” page of this website.

Grades of membership of Hong Kong Professional Mediation Association (HKPMA) are:

Affiliate (HKPMA Aff)

The Affiliate Membership ('Affiliate') is suitable for non-practitioners or persons who are interested to keep abreast of the industry trends. Once registration as an affiliate member, you will be updated with the development of Mediation and ADR in Hong Kong and the activities of HKPMA on a regular basis.

Download Application Form, Please Visit:  

Associate (AHKPMA) 

It is a commitment to the profession to encourage and to promote ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution).

This is an entry level to the membership grade. It is not necessary for individuals to have studied law as long as they can demonstrate some suitable prior knowledge or experience of dispute resolution.

You have to take a 40 hours course on dispute resolution provide by or recognized by HKPMA. You are also required to pass a written test on dispute resolution before a membership of AHKPMA is awarded.

Download Application Form, Please Visit: 


Member (MHKPMA) 

It is a professional level of achievement and experience in the dispute resolution.

This grade of membership is awarded to individuals who can demonstrate a good knowledge of dispute resolution. You have to be accredited by HKPMA as an “Accredited Mediator” either on General Mediation practice or Family Mediation Practice before you are awarded to this level of membership. To obtain the qualification of Accredited Mediator, you have to pass two assessments of simulated mediation cases provided by HKPMA. The accreditation system is designed with the following objectives: 

1. to guarantee the minimum professional standard of practice of mediation; 

2. to help individual to achieve mediation expertise in Hong Kong; and, 

3. to encourage further professional development of Accredited Mediators. 

Download Application Form, Please Visit: 



You may be granted exemption from any or all levels of accreditation if you can demonstrate extensive mediation experience or with relevant qualifications. A request for exemption must be made in writing and accompanied by all supporting documentation in normal circumstances.  The fess for application of exemption is HK$1000. You are only required to pay for the fees upon on a successful application before an exemption is granted.  The association might also from time to time invite or accredit individual, who has demonstrated himself/herself a capable mediator or has proven himself/herself dedicated to mediation, from the society to become accredited mediator under the sole discretion of the association.  In this case, application fees could be waived. 


All grades of member of Hong Kong Professional Mediation Association (HKPMA) are binding to the terms and conditions of: 

1. the Memorandum and Article of Association of HKPMA; 

2. the General Rules of HKPMA; and, 

3. the Code of Conduct of HKPMA. 

For Application of HKPMA membership, please email to:



最近更新日期: 2010-12-03
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