Corporate Mediation Training

The Corporate Sector

    The Hong Kong Professional Mediation Association (HKPMA) offers training services to the commercial/industrial sector. The trainings shall include Conflict Resolution in the Corporate Structure and Diversity and the focus is on team building and collaborative negotiation.

Conflict Resolution Training (CRT program) 

    Conflict Resolution Training has enormous implications for the corporate sector. In general, this will include individualized conversations with staff in several company lines, i.e. senior management, managers and line staff to learn more about their perception of the strengths and weaknesses of the work environment. HKPMA is providing a six-hours training on: stimulating, interactive and relevant. We address the nature of conflict in the corporate culture and sharpen skills that will enhance communication in order to improve the working environment. 

Conflict Coaching (CC program) 

    In addition CRT program, HKPMA offers Conflict Coaching, which treat conflict as a symptom of dysfunction that can be remedied through more collaborative thinking and improved communication skills. This service is provided to individuals on a one-to-one basis to examine the conflict in detail and explore tools that will lead to a more effective response. It is proven to be a tremendous resource for both managers and employees wishing to develop better communication with superiors and colleagues.

Call us for details of the programs:
              Telephone:HK(852)2110 0834
              Service: 10:00am to 6:00pm (Mon to Fri)

* For members only *



最近更新日期: 2010-12-03
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